Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Maths and Stuff

So, Thunderchild has a maths test today.  She woke up at 4am this morning to go through the work again (after doing some exercises the previous evening).  She and I were both confident that she would do OK.  I was at a conference out of town today so only got to see her again at 19h00 this evening.

So, how did the maths go.  "Not good", she says, "Maybe only 50%".  So what went wrong?  "I don't know, Daddy.  I just struggled and couldn't get the equations to work.  But I need to talk to you later.", she mentions.  She had a few more Maths exercises to do and was struggling a bit.  I tried to explain this thing about opposite angles with parallel lines being equal, but what she ACTUALLY wanted was an equation (I did not realize this at the time).  Luckily, my eldest daughter (the real maths wiz in the family) walks in and asks "Can I perhaps help?".  Yes, please!  So she sits down with TC and works through the exercise with her and shows her how to work out an equation for this - I would never have gotten this right.  TC does the next one and starts to calm down a little (she gets kinda upset if she struggles;  I understand this as I sometimes have the same emotions).  She comes to me afterwards, just as CSI Miami is starting, "Daddy, I sorry I was mean.".  Now what can you say to that, so I just put my arms around her and hold her tight.

Of course, being Tuesday, it's hockey practice.  "How did it go?", I ask.  "We did fitness, but not in a way that you would realize it.".  In other words they ran around like crazy on the astro but enjoyed themselves.  Good, I think.  It'll keep the kids healthy and fit.

You remember she said she wanted to talk to me?  "Daddy, what did you arrange for tomorrow evening?".  It's my wedding anniversary on 27 July (16 years this year).  "Nothing", I reply, "I was planning on taking her out to dinner on Saturday".  "Dad, you're useless", she says (I get that a lot from her).  "I've arranged a dinner under your name for tomorrow evening at 8 at your favourite restaurant", I am informed.  It was arranged for 8 so that we could first watch the soapy together as a family before getting dressed and going.  Shame, she really went to the trouble of getting the place's telephone number and giving them call.  I just didn't organize anything because it is in the middle of the week.  So tomorrow I can give my wife the present I bought for her and tell her we're going out to eat.  I'm really looking forward to.

So, thanx TC, for everything.

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