Time for another episode in the life of Thunderchild and her Daddy. I have my trusty cup of Jacobs (Kronung, not that other vile decaf stuff) next to me keeping me going.
It's been a hectic and exiting day. Actually it started yesterday evening when I got home with the words: "Dad, I'm playing for the Wannabees tomorrow evening." Excellent! (Have I mentioned how proud I am of her?). "Where are you playing and what time must you be there?", I ask, trying to sound nonchalant and not too eager or excited. "Six, at TUT", she replies (Way cool, I think...silently), "But first I have to watch the 1st team play at school". She's got this thing about supporting her school's 1st hockey team. It's important for her.
So, onto Friday and it's damn cold outside (still is as I'm writing this). I realize that I'm going to freeze my butt off next to the astro and decide to take an extra jersey with me for the evening. I get to school around 16h00 just in time to see the 1st team win 2-0. TC is excited: I can feel it in her. There's this bounce that she gets. She starts chatting away and smiling the whole time. We're off to KFC to get some sustenance and she's into the ladies to get changed - she just cannot wait. On the way to TUT we hit peak hour traffic (enough said!) and arrive 10 minutes late. Luckily they decided to wait for us. However, the team had to start playing without a goalie. Note to other teams: don't play hockey without a goalie.
Now this team is just a little stronger than last week's one. Last week we played the TUT 4th team; this week the 1st team. The level of play was very high and our girls struggled quite a bit, but TC, as usual, gave every little thing she had on the pitch and made the opponents work for every ball. She made some good saves and tackles. But not having a goalie cost them dearly, eventually going down 12-1 (I think, because I lost count). But still TC showed tenacity on the pitch today, never giving up no matter how tough the situation. I took some pictures during the first half, but then my fingers got so cold I decided they would be better off in my pockets - sorry TC.
What I like about this level of play, is that there is no coach next to the side of the pitch shouting out instructions. Here you have to think for yourself and develop your own match intuition, something that TC is doing quite well now.
There was this one move that she likes to do when hitting from touch (the ball went out). She dribbles the ball just a little in and then turns and goes straight for her opponent - I know what's coming because I can read her like a book. The opponent goes in for the tackle and pop (!), TC lifts the ball over the opponent's stick and passed her. Brilliant move! Actually, I think this is TC's signature the move - the TC pop!
After the match, even having lost the way they did, she came to me and said that she's really enjoying playing at this level and hopes she can continue. So do I, so do I. I'm extremely thankful for the opportunity she has to play at this level.
Shame, TC's lying next to her mother at the moment, fast asleep. She has nothing left.
Tomorrow it's off to a friend of her's to prepare for some science project for school. Knowing those two characters, it should be quite interesting to see the presentation. We'll see how it goes next week.
To TC, sleep tight my girl. Daddy loves you very much.
"En die hele wêreld word stil..."
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