Time for another episode in the life of Thunderchild and her Daddy. I have my trusty cup of Jacobs (Kronung, not that other vile decaf stuff) next to me keeping me going.
It's been a hectic and exiting day. Actually it started yesterday evening when I got home with the words: "Dad, I'm playing for the Wannabees tomorrow evening." Excellent! (Have I mentioned how proud I am of her?). "Where are you playing and what time must you be there?", I ask, trying to sound nonchalant and not too eager or excited. "Six, at TUT", she replies (Way cool, I think...silently), "But first I have to watch the 1st team play at school". She's got this thing about supporting her school's 1st hockey team. It's important for her.
So, onto Friday and it's damn cold outside (still is as I'm writing this). I realize that I'm going to freeze my butt off next to the astro and decide to take an extra jersey with me for the evening. I get to school around 16h00 just in time to see the 1st team win 2-0. TC is excited: I can feel it in her. There's this bounce that she gets. She starts chatting away and smiling the whole time. We're off to KFC to get some sustenance and she's into the ladies to get changed - she just cannot wait. On the way to TUT we hit peak hour traffic (enough said!) and arrive 10 minutes late. Luckily they decided to wait for us. However, the team had to start playing without a goalie. Note to other teams: don't play hockey without a goalie.
Now this team is just a little stronger than last week's one. Last week we played the TUT 4th team; this week the 1st team. The level of play was very high and our girls struggled quite a bit, but TC, as usual, gave every little thing she had on the pitch and made the opponents work for every ball. She made some good saves and tackles. But not having a goalie cost them dearly, eventually going down 12-1 (I think, because I lost count). But still TC showed tenacity on the pitch today, never giving up no matter how tough the situation. I took some pictures during the first half, but then my fingers got so cold I decided they would be better off in my pockets - sorry TC.
What I like about this level of play, is that there is no coach next to the side of the pitch shouting out instructions. Here you have to think for yourself and develop your own match intuition, something that TC is doing quite well now.
There was this one move that she likes to do when hitting from touch (the ball went out). She dribbles the ball just a little in and then turns and goes straight for her opponent - I know what's coming because I can read her like a book. The opponent goes in for the tackle and pop (!), TC lifts the ball over the opponent's stick and passed her. Brilliant move! Actually, I think this is TC's signature the move - the TC pop!
After the match, even having lost the way they did, she came to me and said that she's really enjoying playing at this level and hopes she can continue. So do I, so do I. I'm extremely thankful for the opportunity she has to play at this level.
Shame, TC's lying next to her mother at the moment, fast asleep. She has nothing left.
Tomorrow it's off to a friend of her's to prepare for some science project for school. Knowing those two characters, it should be quite interesting to see the presentation. We'll see how it goes next week.
To TC, sleep tight my girl. Daddy loves you very much.
"En die hele wêreld word stil..."

Friday, 29 July 2011
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Maths and Stuff
So, Thunderchild has a maths test today. She woke up at 4am this morning to go through the work again (after doing some exercises the previous evening). She and I were both confident that she would do OK. I was at a conference out of town today so only got to see her again at 19h00 this evening.
So, how did the maths go. "Not good", she says, "Maybe only 50%". So what went wrong? "I don't know, Daddy. I just struggled and couldn't get the equations to work. But I need to talk to you later.", she mentions. She had a few more Maths exercises to do and was struggling a bit. I tried to explain this thing about opposite angles with parallel lines being equal, but what she ACTUALLY wanted was an equation (I did not realize this at the time). Luckily, my eldest daughter (the real maths wiz in the family) walks in and asks "Can I perhaps help?". Yes, please! So she sits down with TC and works through the exercise with her and shows her how to work out an equation for this - I would never have gotten this right. TC does the next one and starts to calm down a little (she gets kinda upset if she struggles; I understand this as I sometimes have the same emotions). She comes to me afterwards, just as CSI Miami is starting, "Daddy, I sorry I was mean.". Now what can you say to that, so I just put my arms around her and hold her tight.
Of course, being Tuesday, it's hockey practice. "How did it go?", I ask. "We did fitness, but not in a way that you would realize it.". In other words they ran around like crazy on the astro but enjoyed themselves. Good, I think. It'll keep the kids healthy and fit.
You remember she said she wanted to talk to me? "Daddy, what did you arrange for tomorrow evening?". It's my wedding anniversary on 27 July (16 years this year). "Nothing", I reply, "I was planning on taking her out to dinner on Saturday". "Dad, you're useless", she says (I get that a lot from her). "I've arranged a dinner under your name for tomorrow evening at 8 at your favourite restaurant", I am informed. It was arranged for 8 so that we could first watch the soapy together as a family before getting dressed and going. Shame, she really went to the trouble of getting the place's telephone number and giving them call. I just didn't organize anything because it is in the middle of the week. So tomorrow I can give my wife the present I bought for her and tell her we're going out to eat. I'm really looking forward to.
So, thanx TC, for everything.
So, how did the maths go. "Not good", she says, "Maybe only 50%". So what went wrong? "I don't know, Daddy. I just struggled and couldn't get the equations to work. But I need to talk to you later.", she mentions. She had a few more Maths exercises to do and was struggling a bit. I tried to explain this thing about opposite angles with parallel lines being equal, but what she ACTUALLY wanted was an equation (I did not realize this at the time). Luckily, my eldest daughter (the real maths wiz in the family) walks in and asks "Can I perhaps help?". Yes, please! So she sits down with TC and works through the exercise with her and shows her how to work out an equation for this - I would never have gotten this right. TC does the next one and starts to calm down a little (she gets kinda upset if she struggles; I understand this as I sometimes have the same emotions). She comes to me afterwards, just as CSI Miami is starting, "Daddy, I sorry I was mean.". Now what can you say to that, so I just put my arms around her and hold her tight.
Of course, being Tuesday, it's hockey practice. "How did it go?", I ask. "We did fitness, but not in a way that you would realize it.". In other words they ran around like crazy on the astro but enjoyed themselves. Good, I think. It'll keep the kids healthy and fit.
You remember she said she wanted to talk to me? "Daddy, what did you arrange for tomorrow evening?". It's my wedding anniversary on 27 July (16 years this year). "Nothing", I reply, "I was planning on taking her out to dinner on Saturday". "Dad, you're useless", she says (I get that a lot from her). "I've arranged a dinner under your name for tomorrow evening at 8 at your favourite restaurant", I am informed. It was arranged for 8 so that we could first watch the soapy together as a family before getting dressed and going. Shame, she really went to the trouble of getting the place's telephone number and giving them call. I just didn't organize anything because it is in the middle of the week. So tomorrow I can give my wife the present I bought for her and tell her we're going out to eat. I'm really looking forward to.
So, thanx TC, for everything.
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Well, we had the hockey on 23 July and it went amazingly well.
Before the match, two things happened. One, the 2 under-14's were quite apprehensive, because they would be playing against a university team where the players were 18 and older (TC was actually the youngest on the field). Two, the university team thought the game would be a pushover when they heard how young the two were. Now, it's just at this point where they made their biggest mistake, because they did not know their opponents and their history.
TC has ALWAYS been in the A-side. She can tackle like a demon and always stands her ground on the field. The game started with TC still a little nervous, but that only lasted for about 10 minutes before she got her confidence back. For the remainder of the game the other forwards tried their best to intimidate and get past her. However, the 2 backs (TC and her friend) did their best to thwart all the attacks. The end result was that their team won 7-0, teaching those university kids a lesson they'll not easily forget.
One thing about this game was the length. TC is used to playing 25 minutes a side: this game was 35 and in hockey that's a long time. She was totally bushed at the end of it, but I could see she thoroughly enjoyed it. It's now Sunday afternoon and she's still sore, but she'll be fine. Her confidence got a serious boost. Daddy is so very proud of her. I do hope she gets the chance to play for the team again on a more regular basis as it will do her a world of good.
It's going to be a long week again for her, because they have hockey practice three times this week, I think. I know they start with fitness on Tuesday - she'll just have to do a little extra homework on Monday because she normally passes out on the days she has hockey (she just always gives everything she has).
We went to go buy 2 cement slabs at Plantland today because they have a sidewalk art competition coming up shortly. They'll be given a 2 square meter block of sidewalk that they will have to draw on (chalk only). So the 2 slabs I bought today are for the girls to practice on. Not sure about the logistics, because I have to drop the slabs off at school tomorrow and TC and some friends will have to carry them to the classroom. Concrete slabs (450mm x 45mm) are not exactly light, but I'm sure she and her rest will be able to make a plan.
You go girl! Hit them with your thunder.
Until next time...
Before the match, two things happened. One, the 2 under-14's were quite apprehensive, because they would be playing against a university team where the players were 18 and older (TC was actually the youngest on the field). Two, the university team thought the game would be a pushover when they heard how young the two were. Now, it's just at this point where they made their biggest mistake, because they did not know their opponents and their history.
TC has ALWAYS been in the A-side. She can tackle like a demon and always stands her ground on the field. The game started with TC still a little nervous, but that only lasted for about 10 minutes before she got her confidence back. For the remainder of the game the other forwards tried their best to intimidate and get past her. However, the 2 backs (TC and her friend) did their best to thwart all the attacks. The end result was that their team won 7-0, teaching those university kids a lesson they'll not easily forget.
One thing about this game was the length. TC is used to playing 25 minutes a side: this game was 35 and in hockey that's a long time. She was totally bushed at the end of it, but I could see she thoroughly enjoyed it. It's now Sunday afternoon and she's still sore, but she'll be fine. Her confidence got a serious boost. Daddy is so very proud of her. I do hope she gets the chance to play for the team again on a more regular basis as it will do her a world of good.
It's going to be a long week again for her, because they have hockey practice three times this week, I think. I know they start with fitness on Tuesday - she'll just have to do a little extra homework on Monday because she normally passes out on the days she has hockey (she just always gives everything she has).
We went to go buy 2 cement slabs at Plantland today because they have a sidewalk art competition coming up shortly. They'll be given a 2 square meter block of sidewalk that they will have to draw on (chalk only). So the 2 slabs I bought today are for the girls to practice on. Not sure about the logistics, because I have to drop the slabs off at school tomorrow and TC and some friends will have to carry them to the classroom. Concrete slabs (450mm x 45mm) are not exactly light, but I'm sure she and her rest will be able to make a plan.
You go girl! Hit them with your thunder.
Until next time...
Friday, 22 July 2011
Late Friday Evening - The First One
It's late on a Friday evening. I've been toying with the idea of creating this blog for a while now.
You see, this is primarily about my daughter who I shall refer to as "ThunderChild". She's my muse, my very reason for existence. When I drop her off at school and turn the corner I miss her. When I wave goodbye on the mornings her mother takes her, I miss her.
I don't know if all daddies have this relationship with their little girls, but I do.
I was listening to the song "Edge of Glory" by Lady Gaga (the one where she sang on her own in the Howard Stern studio - Youtube Link) and realized that this is where ThunderChild takes me. I suppose it must be a little embarrassing for her sometimes, but she knows I love her very much, with all my heart.
But make no mistake, she can be quite moody when she wants to. What's really interesting is that I often know how to handle her, because she is very much like me. So when a specific situation arises that I recognize as something that might happen to me, I know what to do. However, sometimes we just push each other's (wrong) buttons - it's then that I tell the wife "You handle this, because I'm going to throttle that child.".
I'm also so very proud of her. She does OK at school (goes to one of the best schools in Pretoria), but for some strange reason really enjoys Maths! Would you bloody believe it? She came to me with a maths problem this week - but before I carry on let me just explain that in general she likes to do things herself. Anyways, she was just struggling a little and couldn't figure out the elusive x. We quickly went through things about right-angles, 180 degrees and opposite angles being equal (sort of). About a minute into the problem "Dad, it's OK. I figured it out myself. You couldn't help me!!!". Oh well, at least I was there.
Talking about "there". You see, you mustn't be too close to TC, but also not too far - just within reach. I've had to learn when to totally ignore her (at school with her friends) and when to hold her tight. It's just so cool learning how to handle your daughter, especially when she's so much like yourself.
Got a call from her on Thursday: "Daddy, there's a chance I might be playing hockey this Saturday. But it's with older people". OK, quickly, TC is just into her teens and has been playing hockey for about 8 years now and gets withdrawal symptoms when she can't play (holidays etc). Looks like the team she and a friend will be playing for is one of the adult teams in the league. This was arranged by one of the teachers at her school. Good for her (TC, that is). I'm so proud of her. Just know she's going to love it. She'll lay it all on the field and at the end of the game she'll be smiling from ear to ear, be grumpy because she's tired and thirsty and the pass out in the car. Of course the batteries for the camera are charged, so I'll most probably be shooting about 150 to 200 shots tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to it. Anyways, she did come home with the hockey socks and shirt to wear, so I guess they will be playing. Word of caution to the other players on the field - don't underestimate TC and her partner (they play defence). She'll flatten you in the tackle.
OK, the Jacobs coffee is working itself out now, so let's leave some story telling for the next time, shall we.
You see, this is primarily about my daughter who I shall refer to as "ThunderChild". She's my muse, my very reason for existence. When I drop her off at school and turn the corner I miss her. When I wave goodbye on the mornings her mother takes her, I miss her.
I don't know if all daddies have this relationship with their little girls, but I do.
I was listening to the song "Edge of Glory" by Lady Gaga (the one where she sang on her own in the Howard Stern studio - Youtube Link) and realized that this is where ThunderChild takes me. I suppose it must be a little embarrassing for her sometimes, but she knows I love her very much, with all my heart.
But make no mistake, she can be quite moody when she wants to. What's really interesting is that I often know how to handle her, because she is very much like me. So when a specific situation arises that I recognize as something that might happen to me, I know what to do. However, sometimes we just push each other's (wrong) buttons - it's then that I tell the wife "You handle this, because I'm going to throttle that child.".
I'm also so very proud of her. She does OK at school (goes to one of the best schools in Pretoria), but for some strange reason really enjoys Maths! Would you bloody believe it? She came to me with a maths problem this week - but before I carry on let me just explain that in general she likes to do things herself. Anyways, she was just struggling a little and couldn't figure out the elusive x. We quickly went through things about right-angles, 180 degrees and opposite angles being equal (sort of). About a minute into the problem "Dad, it's OK. I figured it out myself. You couldn't help me!!!". Oh well, at least I was there.
Talking about "there". You see, you mustn't be too close to TC, but also not too far - just within reach. I've had to learn when to totally ignore her (at school with her friends) and when to hold her tight. It's just so cool learning how to handle your daughter, especially when she's so much like yourself.
Got a call from her on Thursday: "Daddy, there's a chance I might be playing hockey this Saturday. But it's with older people". OK, quickly, TC is just into her teens and has been playing hockey for about 8 years now and gets withdrawal symptoms when she can't play (holidays etc). Looks like the team she and a friend will be playing for is one of the adult teams in the league. This was arranged by one of the teachers at her school. Good for her (TC, that is). I'm so proud of her. Just know she's going to love it. She'll lay it all on the field and at the end of the game she'll be smiling from ear to ear, be grumpy because she's tired and thirsty and the pass out in the car. Of course the batteries for the camera are charged, so I'll most probably be shooting about 150 to 200 shots tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to it. Anyways, she did come home with the hockey socks and shirt to wear, so I guess they will be playing. Word of caution to the other players on the field - don't underestimate TC and her partner (they play defence). She'll flatten you in the tackle.
OK, the Jacobs coffee is working itself out now, so let's leave some story telling for the next time, shall we.
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