Tuesday, 27 November 2012

I dream of a hat trick

Sunday, 25 November 2012

This was one of those days that a parent will remember forever.  You see, Thunderchild's smile went around her ears.

But let me take you back a little for some history.  TC loves to play hockey - has done since she was 5 (she's 15 now).  To play would lift her spirits and see her bouncing around the room.  The position she plays and has for so many years now is that of a defender, and a fearless one at that.  She just goes into a tackle with everything she's got.  But being in that position generally means you don't get to score very much.

She is lucky that this year she got to play indoor hockey.  Indoor hockey is played on a field about a quarter of the size of a normal hockey pitch.  Some of the rules are different and the time per half is 20 minutes.  But playing this version of the sport (at 6 to a side) you get to play different positions, not just back.

So, Sunday comes and they're ready for the game.  TC had previously been taking shots at goal during the penalty corners but never scored.  Today was different.  The team is awarded a penalty corner and TC is called up to the 'D', ready to take the shot.  The ball is sent to her, she drag flicks it and the keeper doesn't even smell it! She scores!  For the first time in years she's managed to score a goal.  Even from where we're sitting (about 20 meters away) I can see that enormous smile.  My heart leaped in my chest.  The wife and I are so proud.

But TC's not done yet...

Second penalty corner and she gets the ball again.  But this time she stops it in the 'D' which means she has to take it outside and back in again - thank goodness for all those many hours (days?) spent doing yardstick drills.  She drags, she scores again.  What a beautiful shot.  It's then that I realize that if she gets another chance she'll be on a hat trick.  What are the chances?  From nothing to everything in the space of 10 minutes?

The 3rd penalty corner comes and she takes up her place in the middle of the group.  I think even the opponents knew she was going to get the ball.  It's passed in, TC gets it, drags....and hat trick!  I'm doing the rain dance.  My chest is so big I cannot see my feet.  I cannot believe it!  My daughter has scored an amazing hat trick.  Her passion for the game has finally paid off.  She'll remember this moment for the rest of her days.

Shame, I must have made a bit of scene because one of the other players asked her if "that" was her dad.

That game on Sunday was such a confidence booster for her.  It was just what she needed.

Well done TC, Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you.