Sunday, 6 May 2012

First Week in School in Australia

Well Thunderchild, your first week in school in Australia has come to an end.

You were a little nervous in the beginning, but true to your form, you made friends very quickly.  You also look so good in your new Amaroo School uniform.

Thunderchild and her mom

Of course, after the first day or two you reckoned that the level of maths was too low for you.  Your teacher also said he would recommend you moving to a higher grade.  Let’s hope that happens.

School here starts at 9:15 am, 2 hours later that you are used to.  I still get up at 4:30am, but you only surface about 7:45, very slowly.  Of course, you only go to bed a lot later as well.

Apparently they are starting a hockey club there now – you’ve already signed up (well, dear reader, what did you expect?).  Just a few more players and you’ll have a team.  It’ll be a tough year for you, but I’m sure you’ll guide your team correctly.  Your experience should see you through.

So, TC, your new adventure has started - time for you to make a difference.